Explore EP AMPS
Power amplifiers
600 watts/channel tube solid state hybrid power amplifier
Intro price $1999.00 delivered
New order shipping in late January 2025

600 watts/ ch at 8 ohms both channel driven
750 watts/ch at 4 ohms
1250 watt peaks @ 4 ohms
Reviewers Choice in the October 2023 Part Time Audiophile
They summed with:
"At the price point of the Emerald Physics amp, I can’t really uncover any shortcomings worth
mentioning. It’s really just a great amplifier, and I can’t say enough positive things about it. The fact that it effectively drove the super accurate and resolving $25,000 ATC SCM 100 monitors with such great aplomb and enjoyment on my part speaks volumes in itself. Because of its tremendous value and overall superb performance, I’m unabashedly nominating the Emerald Physics 600.2SE amplifier for a Reviewer’s Choice Award. Another win to Underwood Hi-Fi!"
Read the entire review here: https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2023/10/20/emerald-physics-600-2-se-stereo-amplifier-review/
The Emerald Physics EP600.2SE amplifier has been over one year in the making. This amp has the all the wonderful traits of an exceptionally great vacuum tube amplifier, but with the muscle, authority, and robust grip of one of the most powerful Class D amplifiers ever made.
It uses a single ended Class A tube input preamp stage to drive the legendary IcePower 1200AS2 Amplifier Core. When used in Stereo Mode, this amplifier is capable of delivering 600 watts into 8 ohms per channel, while able to deliver full power into the most demanding speakers. All of this yet remain relaxed and composed, regardless of program material.
In the Tone Audio review they sum with:
"As the anchor of a high performance, reasonably priced system, the Emerald Physics 600.2SE has nothing but check marks in the positive column. And is more than worthy of one of our Exceptional Value Awards for 2023. You might even say really exceptional value."
Read the Tone review here: https://www.tonepublications.com/review/review-the-emerald-physics-600-2-se-amplifier/
In the new Audio Pursuit review they sum with:
"The EP600.2SE is a perfect example of the value that Class D amplification brings to the audio market. For $1999 with a three-year warranty, it delivers ridiculous levels of horsepower that easily drives traditionally difficult 4 Ohm speaker loads such as Magnepan without stress. In a small to medium-sized room, I sincerely doubt one would claim a subwoofer is still needed. Mine has been gathering dust since the EP600.2SE arrived. Most importantly, across the entire frequency spectrum, the vacuum tubes add a wonderful level of lushness and vibrancy to the music. For those of you who crave power on a smaller budget, get your ears on the EP600.2SE. I’m looking at what excess gear to sell, as this Emerald Physics EP600.2SE has found a home!"
Read the entire review at: https://www.audiopursuit.com/2023/10/emerald-physics-ep6002se-power.html
See the youtube review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgQQe8I770I
The custom Emerald designed HyperSET hybrid valve buffer uses a single Ended Class A topology with a tube constant current source (CCS) for low distortion but while presenting a dominant second harmonic distortion characteristic of the best Single Ended Class A valve preamplifier's. The tubes employed are precision matched E88CC and impart a slightly warm and smooth sound characteristic to the 1200AS2. For times when you want a more dominate bite to the sound, simply flip the toggle switch to SS (Solid State) to bypass the tube buffer. We believe some will like the “Solid State Jam”, however we continue to think most of you will listen to the EP 600 in the vacuum tube mode. The EP 600 is capable of phenomenal dynamics, immense bass grip and agility… while providing massive headroom for the most dynamic passages and crescendos that make up what music has to offer. The 600wpc rating ensures that the “600SE” can power even the most demanding home HiFi speakers.
The HyperSET buffer can accept both balanced (XLR/TRS) and single ended (RCA) inputs via quality rear panel jacks. If both RCA and XLR cables are connected simultaneously the auto switching circuit defaults to the XLR balanced input. Unplug the XLR cables to activate the single ended RCA inpits. The HyperSET buffer also has built-in logic circuits to ensure a graceful startup and shutdown sequence that avoids speaker pops. A front panel toggle switch activates a relay that selects either the valve buffer or a bypass for a solid state signal path. A front panel on/off button activates the logic circuitry to slowly power up the valve buffer's filament heaters before the plate high voltage is applied and all of this is done before the IcePower Class D amp is enabled. The activation of the filament heaters illuminates the backlighting on the dual front panel galvanometer needle VU meters which show amplifier output power levels.
The custom CNC machined aluminum chassis has a luxurious satin, bead-blasted surface treatment finish and then black anodized on thick 6 mm thick aluminum plates throughout. Premium solid copper binding posts are used for speaker outputs, Neutrik XLR/TRS balanced input jacks, and premium gold plated RCA jacks are also used. The visual appearance is nothing less than striking. The distinctive diagonally milled cooling slots at the top provide a glimpse of the internal glow of the tube buffer in action.
Distortion of the amplifier in SS mode is 0.002% at 10W into 8ohms at 1kHz. With the valve buffer enabled, the THD is slightly higher (circa 0.005%) but with the glorious sound of a tube amp. Overall dynamic range is 125dB and the noise floor with no inputs is about 40uV rms. The amp measures 17" wide x 13.8" deep x 4.2" high (including feet) and weighs about 15 lbs.
Rear shot of EP 600.2SE
Switch to go from Tube to Solid State input stage
EP 600.2SE Power Output Specifications
The EP 600.2SE amplifier has the following output power specifications at 1% THD+N and f=1kHz for 120VAC mains voltage:
- 610 W into 8 ohms
- 750 W into 4 ohms
For 230VAC mains voltage:
- 620 W into 8 ohms
- 770 W into 4 ohms
However, for extremely demanding dynamic musical passages, the EP 600.2SE is capable of 1250W into 4 ohm loads at 1% THD+N into for up to 15 seconds if called upon to do so.
Input sensitivity for full power: 2.76 volts
Auto voltage switching that works from 85-255 volts worldwide
Distortion: .002%@1kHz/10 watts (SS mode) .005% in Tube Mode
Frequency Response: 20Hz-100kHz
Input Impedance: 100k Ohms (fully balanced XLR and RCA inputs)
S/N Ratio: 125 dB
Standard Tubes used in the Amplifier: One matched pair ECC88
Size: 17" W x 13.8" D x 4.2" H
Weight: 15 lb.
Sale $1199.00
Only 1 amp left
See our best of Axpona show video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bdu_RnKluw&feature=youtu.be
- 200 watts RMS per channel @ 8 ohms
- 400 watts RMS per channel @ 4 ohms
- Can be an amp or used as an integrated amp
- Fully balanced dual mono design
- 2 ohm stable
- 2 RCA & one XLR input with front panel switching
- Emerald designed Digital Amp with custom analog power supply
- Dual 400VA power transformers with separate input stage transformer
- Made in USA
- 3 year warranty
- Beautiful new Metal chassis
- Extremely efficient (~93%)
- Retail $3495.00 Available Now
All Emerald Physics amps have:
- Thermal FoldBack (TFB) protection
- Over Temperature Protection (OTP)
- Over Current Protection (OCP)
- Window Protection (WP) and Supply Voltage Protection (SVP)