Peachtree Audio
In exclusive partnership with top-tier modification house partsconneXion, Underwood HiFi is proud to offer the following carefully tested performance enhancement packages for thePeachtree Audio iDAC, Decco2, iDecco and Nova.
Peachtree 220
The Peachtree Audio 220 power amp is an ICE based very high quality power amplifier that actually does 250 into 8 ohms and 430 watts into 4 ohms. It is completely stable into 2 ohms. It has a nicely done upgraded input stage that adds some warmth and allows the amp to work with all solid state and tube preamplifiers. At $1399.00 it was our favorite hi-power amplifier. We loved the stock amp and have designed 2 mods for it. The modified amps compete with far more expensive competition.
Level 1 mod:
a) We install two NATIONAL Semiconductor LME49860 surface mount DUAL high performance audio op amps to the input/driver stage.
b) We replace the standard brass input jacks with 1 pr. of VAMPIRE “Direct Gold over Copper” Female RCA jacks
c) We upgrade the binding posts with CARDAS CCGR-Short “Direct Rhodium over Copper” binding posts
f) We add 4 EAR Compliant Sorbothane Isolation Feet to absorb vibrations
g) 10 feet WBT Solder is used throughout the mod
h) The mod takes 3 hours of labor
The modified amps are warmer in the midrange with more body. They are clearly more musical. Treble response is more extended and smoother.
Images are better delineated on large scale musical passages. The finished amp is more natural sounding with more tube-like depth as well as better dynamics.
They sound faster w/ better bass definition, low frequency extension and weight. Micro level detail is increased across the frequency band from bass to treble.
Transparency, the ability to see into the soundstage is increased and the unit now also has and a wider and deeper 3D soundstage. The modified design takes a great value amp and makes it great!
The Level-1 mod to your 220 amps is $650.00 + freight
Level-2 mod:
a) Two BURR-BROWN OPA627 DUAL op amp modules for the input/driver stage are mounted on special surface mount vertical adapters. These are the world’s best SMT single IC op amps mounted on custom PC board assemblies to make DUAL op amp modules
b) We replace the brass RCA input jacks with VAMPIRE “Direct Gold over Copper” Female RCA jacks
c) 1 set WBT07 or 03Cu Nextgen copper Style Binding Post replace the brass posts of the stock amp
d) 8 ELNA audio-grade ROA Cerafine series power supply electrolytic caps replace the stock caps
e) 1 FURUTECH “integrated” Rhodium-plated AC inlet/fuse holder is added
f) We add 4 EAR compliant Sorbothane isolation feet to absorb vibration
g) 10 feet WBT Solder used throughout the mod
h) The mod takes 4.5 hours labor
The Level-2 modified amp is more dynamic with better low level resolution and transparency as compared to the level-1. Midrange liquidity is also improved. Massed instruments are more delineated on large scale passages. The Level-2 now competes and many will say outperforms the $4000-$5000.00 amps from many of the big brands like Bel Canto and Jeff Rowland.
The Level-2 mod to your 220 amp is $980.00 + freight